Ann Shapiro Biography
With guitar, ukulele, strumstick, mountain dulcimer, and an assortment of non-conventional or "found" rhythm instruments, Ann Shapiro weaves participatory tales and songs from many times and places. A Master Teaching Artist with the Connecticut Commission on the Arts , Ann has been an artist-in-residence in many schools, working in classrooms with students, and in special teacher workshops, where she helps teachers to incorporate the arts into their curricula through her Assembly Programs and Workshops . She has also conducted programs with non-English speaking students of all ages that have succeeded in bringing out even the most reluctant learners. In performance, her lively performing style sparks interest and heightens awareness in a variety of academic subject areas.
Ann was co-founder, writer, and performer with "Jabberwocky" Children's Theater from 1979-1989. Apart from performing, she serves as Executive Director for the Connecticut Storytelling Center in residence at Connecticut College in New London.
The 2005 ORACLE Leadership and Service Award
For The Northeastern United States

presented to Ann Shapiro