Troubadour Marks 20th Anniversary With Double CD-Release & Concert
At New London's Historic Custom House Museum
On December 3, 2011 at New London's historic Custom House Maritime Museum, Tom Callinan marked the 20th Anniversary of his designation as Connecticut's first Official State Troubadour with an intergenerational concert and the release of his 14 th and 15 th albums: " Commemorations " [People, Places, & Things Worth Knowing About] , and " I'll Take New England Any Day ".
" Commemorations " is a collection of original songs about significant people, places, and events from colonial times to the present day, which reinforces the premise that musical storytelling, combining with catchy tunes and interesting instrumentation can be a fun way of learning and appreciating history.
Among the people are notables from colonial days: Noah Webster, Oliver Ellsworth,
and Governor Jonathan Trumbull, as well as some less-famous individuals,
each with a fascinating story of his/her accomplishments.
Places include the Stanley-Whitman House in Farmington (Tom sang at its 290 th anniversary
in 2010) and Killingly, CT (Tom was commissioned to compose their tercentennial song in 2008).
Events include the centennial of the Baldwin Bridge, which spans the Connecticut River between Old Saybrook and Old Lyme, (for which Tom sang in both 1993 to dedicate the new span, and in October, 2011 for the centennial celebration); and "Heavenly Gazetteers", a tribute to the 100th Anniversary, of the American Association of
Variable Star observers (Tom performed at the AAVSO's centennial gathering earlier this year).
and "The Bells Of Norwich", which commemorates January 1, 1863 and the heralding of the Emancipation Proclamation. In Norwich, CT bells throughout the city rang hopefully for a solid hour!

Tom ' s 35-year career as a full-time creative and performing artist has taken him throughout the Northeast (and elsewhere), and " I ' ll Take New England Any Day " chronicles some of the things he has observed or learned about in his travels. Included are songs about some of the quirky things like Willimantic, CT ' s "Boom-Box Parade"; "No Exit 4"; and "The Big Blue Bug" (the latter two in Rhode Island), as well as two songs destined to become seasonal classics: "Autumn In New England" and "Christmas In Connecticut". New Hampshire ' s Mount Monadnock and Vermont ' s Mount Ascutney are both highlighted in separate songs, and the title song, "I ' ll Take New England Any Day" pretty much sums up the feelings of most New Englanders, past and present.
The two albums may be purchased separately at $15 for each CD, plus shipping;
or $30 for the two, with free shipping.
For further information, contact
55 East Town Street, Norwich, CT 06360
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or call: (860) 889-6648.