Troubadour's "Three Rivers" CD
Celebrates Norwich, CT Through The Centuries

It is widely held that Tom Callinan has written more songs about
Connecticut than anyone in history, and in 1991 his musical contributions were honored by designating him as Connecticut's 1st " Official State Troubadour " via legislation passed by the Connecticut General Assembly, and signed into law by then-Governor Lowell P. Weicker, Jr.
In 2007, singer-songwriter Tom Callinan and wife Ann Shapiro became residents of Norwich, CT, and in the intervening two years, extensive research into Norwich's storied past resulted in Tom composing fifteen original songs related to "The Rose City's" Semiseptcentennial [1659-2009].

In honor of the 350 th Anniversary of their adopted hometown (a.k.a. "The Rose Of New England"),
Tom released a CD about selected people, places,
and/or events from Norwich's history, entitled:
"Where Three Rivers Come Together
[Norwich Through The Centuries] "

Tom's CDs are available for $17 (includes tax and s/h) by mail from:
55 East Town Street, Norwich, CT 06360
For further information,
E-Mail: <>
or call: (860) 889-6648.